Samstag, 15. Januar 2011

the plan is: to die young as late as possible !

It's saturday and I had way too less sleep, for I had to wake up quite early to visit my horse. I was too tired to go on horseback so I decided just to take a walk with him (:
I'm thinking about uploading videos on YT, too, cause I still have too many songs written but never played in front of people (:
Yesterday I found a video which is just STUNNING. Ich love the singer's voice and the song as well. Could sing along all the day.


Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011

I'm sorry but today I'm still not gonna upload any pics because I just don't have enough time. 
Instead of meeting the girl, who wanted to pierce me, I met my best friend Lissie. We didn't have much to do, but it was however a great afternoon we spent together. We met two french boys and practised our french, that was so fun! Well I gues that was it for today. 
Yesterday was quite a nice day too, I met two friends of mine, who I didn't see for about 1 and a half year, but it was fun though. Instantly after school we met in the city, bought piercings and went into a shisha bar, which i normally don't ever, especially not in the middle of the week, because I feel so bad afterwards. The evening was great as well, until I got home. I felt horribly sick, but now I'm fine again.
Don't want to spam too much here, bye! ♥

Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011


ahh I almost forgot that! I always wanted to play the piano, too.
Now, I just play the guitar, because my father always had some, and I taught it myself, when I was younger. I guess now, it's quite good, and i really enjoy it, but I also dreamt of learning to play the piano as well.
I just told my mom, so I'm gonna take lessons, soon. I'm so happy! (:

I actually planned to upload some photos today, but I'm not really in the mood for that.
Plus I'm sick, which is annoying because I will have to catch up for everything in school. However - tomorrow I'm gonna be back again, because I intend to meet my cousin and buy some jewelry for I'm gonna get pierced on thursday, I'm so looking forward! 
I'm pissed, I don't have soymilk anymore and needed to use normal milk in my coffee, that was disgusting, I'm gonna buy some tomorrow! 
The last weeks/months I uploaded some photos in my lookbook, though they're not very special. Anyway, you can see them here. My head aches, I've got to go, but I will post at the latest on thursday, promise.